Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas

Christmas is here

Listen to and read the traditional Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

Reading comprehension with answers.

Enjoy this video

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Obligation and lack of obligation - MUST, HAVE TO, CAN...

Personal obligations                                       – MUST/NEED TO

I must call my mother

If the speaker has the authority                    – MUST/NEED TO

You must lose some weight

To strongly recommend something               – MUST(HAVE TO)

You must see that film

To speak about rules                                      – HAVE TO/BE SUPPOSED TO

We have to be on time for class

If there is no obligation                                   DON'T HAVE/NEED TO

You don't have to bring your book

To speak about something that is possible     CAN/BE ALLOWED TO/

I can leave early today

You are allowed to work from home

To speak about prohibitions you use              – CAN'T/MUSTN'T

You can't smoke here                              NOT BE ALLOWED/SUPPOSED TO

To give advice or express a weak obligation  – SHOULD/OUGHT TO

You should do your homework

You ought to see the doctor

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Planning a trip

A - Let's get out of the city this weekend
B - That's a good idea. I'm getting sick of being here!
A - Do you want to go to the beach?
B - We always go to the beach. Let's do something different!
A - How about camping?
B - Hmm... camping? That sounds terrific
A - All my ideas are terrific
B - Do you have a tent?
A - No. Do you?
B - Hmm... no, but I can borrow a large one from my friend
A - How about a sleeping bag?
B - Yes, I have a sleeping bag. Do you have one?
A - No, I don't.
B - Do you want to share one with me?
A - No, thanks. I'll buy a new sleeping bag
B - Do you think we should go far far away?
A - How much time do you have?
B - I can leave Friday after work
A - I can leave Friday too. When do you have to be back?
B - I have to be back by Sunday
A - Okay, we'll be back by Sunday
B - What should we do while we're there?
A - Do you want to go hiking ?
B - Hiking? Okay, but we shouldn't go far from the campground
A - If we stay around the campground, will you bring the barbecue?
B - Of course, what is camping without a barbecue?
A - Will you make your famous hamburgers?
B - Sure thing. I'll make hamburgers
A - Should we invite some friends?
B - Great idea! Let's invite all of our friends!
A - This is going to be fun!
B - I can't wait!

Monday, October 1, 2018

B2.1 - Learning languages

Listen to this man talking about the secrets of language learning. Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. He says there are 6 secrets to learning a language
2. He learned 11 languages before he was 15
3. He is learning Korean
4. He spends 1h a day trying to learn a language
5. He spends this time reading, listening or speaking the new language
6. To improve your oral skills talk to a friend who speaks the language
7. Use a computer to improve your skills
8. In class people only learn grammar
9. If you dedicate 3 hours a day you can learn a language in 3 months

Answers written in white. Select this line to see them: 1F, 2F, 3T, 4T, 5T, 6T, 7F, 8F, 9F

Do you want to know the rest of the secrets? Click here and find out.

More about learning a foreign language

1. Many teachers don’t speak the language __________________
2. You should use a __________________ to practice on your own
3. Languages have a lot of different __________________
4. In Texas there were a lot of __________________
5. Your need and __________________ the time determines your experience with learning languages

6. English students want to __________________ in the English language
7. The __________________thing is that there are a lot of idioms
8. We are a __________________ nation and many countries learn our language
9. Americans don’t know _____________________ as other people around the world.

Answers written in white: 1. fluently, 2. taped system, 3. dialects, 4. Spanish speaking people, 5. willingness to spend, 6. immerse themselves, 7. unfortunate, 8. powerful, 9. as many languages

English Mania

Watch the video and answer the questions

  1. What three other manias are mentiones? Beatle mania, sports mania, religious mania
  2. How many people are learning English around the world? 2 billion
  3. When do Chinese people start learning English? In third grade
  4. Why is English so important? It means opportunity for a better life, a job, to be able to pay for school, or put better food on the table
  5. What other universal languages are mentioned? Mathematics and music
  6. What does English represent? Hope for the future

Answers written in white. Select the text above to see them.
Read the transcript or watch with subtitles here

Is Ana Botella's English B2?

The grammar is perfect, the vocabulary accurate and the structure solid. So, what's her problem?

Thank you, Ignacio (pause)
President Rogge, dear IOC members, ladies and gentlemen. (pause)
I’ve had the chance to speak to many of you in private conversations, and also in our presentations in St. Petersburg and in Lausanne.  (pause)
I must say, I’d like to continue our friendship, (smile and pause) and frankly, I don’t want this to be our last chance to speak to each other!  So let me tell you a little more about my beautiful hometown, Madrid. (smile)
Madrid is one of the most comfortable / charming  / and inviting cities in the world. Just like all of Spain, Madrid is an amazing mixture of traditions.  You can see, feel and taste the wonder of Spanish culture in Madrid’s parks, / its food / its art / and its architecture. (pause) Perhaps, those of you who have visited Madrid, share this feeling. We have been working hard for many years so our guests -  almost eight million each year -  feel at home.
And most importantly, Madrid is Fun.  The Olympic Games are not only a celebration of sport; they are also a celebration of life.  And I Assure you, no one celebrates life like the Spanish People do!
There is nothing quite like a relaxing cup of café con leche in Plaza Mayor (pause) or a quaint, romantic dinner in El Madrid de los Austrias (pause) the oldest part of Madrid. These experiences, and so much more are the heart and soul of Madrid.
So later today, when you are considering your choice for 2020, (smile) I hope you remember that in addition to the best-prepared plan, Madrid also offers you a city full of culture (pause) fun (pause) and welcoming people.
The magic of Madrid is real, and we want to share it with all of you.

Pay attention to these words in her speech (select the text to see them): thank, members, dear, also, say, friendship, so, world, these, perhaps, have, you, comfortable, wonder, , working, years, our, are, there is, prepared, share it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Media Mind Map

Media - preferences

Try these listening exercises

Mass media advantages and disadvantages

Newspapers and the internet

2nd Intermediate - The Media

Watch this news report about the future of newspapers and choose the correct answer.

1. Reader’s Digest has
a. declared bankruptcy for the first time in years
b. been losing money for years
c. been trying to survive in the digital era

2. Reader’s Digest has an audience of
a. 40 million
b. 70 million
c. 17 million

3. Digital newspapers
a. made Internet popular 15 years ago
b. reduce paper waste
c. are read with the morning coffee now

4. In 5 years
a. advertising sales will reach the level of 1980s
b. most newspapers will have disappeared
c. newspapers will reduce their benefits in 50%

5. The orange country newspaper
a. have more subscriptions than 10 years ago
b. have a new management
c. have professionals from closed newspapers

Answers written in white. Select this line to see them 1b, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5b 

Learn about the media in the UK
A brief history of the BBC

How to write a letter to the editor

Remember that if you are writing an actual letter, you have to include the addresses and the date. If you write an email, include the "sender", "receiver" and "subject".

Spanish Newspaper in English

You have no excuse not to read a newspaper in English. This is a Spanish newspaper:

Popular newspapers

Daily Telegraph     
Financial Times   
The Guardian
The Sun
The Times

The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal
USA Today
The Washington Post

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Advantages and disadvantages of being famous

Listen to some people speaking about this topic

Friday, April 13, 2018

Useful information about the exams

  • IDENTIFICACIÓN PERSOAL: Información sobre o traballo. Linguas estranxeiras. Relixión.
  • VIVENDA, FOGAR E CONTORNA: Tipos de vivenda. Descrición da vivenda. Localización da casa (periferia, barrio, medio rural, etc.).
  • TRABALLO E PROFESIÓN: Actividade profesional. Organización do traballo (lugar, cargo, horario, etc.). Condicións de traballo.
    TEMPO LIBRE E ACTUALIDADE: Descrición das actividades de lecer e culturais (localidades e instrumentos usados para actividades deportivas, xéneros cinematográficos, etc.). Acontecementos do momento.
  • VIAXES E TRANSPORTES: Entrada e saída dun país. Comunicación con empregados de locais para aloxamento. Planificación das vacacións. Viaxes ligadas ao turismo (axencias de viaxes, monumentos, etc.).
  • RELACIÓNS HUMANAS E SOCIAIS: Tipos e formas de relación social (levarse ben, levarse mal, conflitos, etc.). Formas de tratamento. Asociacións.
  • SAÚDE E COIDADOS FÍSICOS: Posición do corpo e movementos. Sensacións e percepcións físicas. Especialidades médicas. Servizos de saúde. Accidentes e lesións. Síntomas de enfermidades. Adiccións e drogas.
  • EDUCACIÓN: Actividades escolares. Nomes de materias. Títulos e diplomas. Servizos de educación (matrícula, inscrición, bolsas, etc.). Exames.
  • COMPRAS E ACTIVIDADES COMERCIAIS: Relacións co persoal comercial. Compra de alimentos.
  • ALIMENTACIÓN: Convites e brindes. Comer fóra. Características das comidas e das bebidas. Relacións co persoal de hostalaría. Preparación de comidas e de bebidas. Produtos alimentarios.
  • BENS E SERVIZOS: Policía. Automóbil (reparación, asistencia na estrada, etc.). Gasolineira e alugueiro de coches.
  • CLIMA, CONDICIÓNS ATMOSFÉRICAS E AMBIENTE: Cualificativos para o ambiente. Partes da cidade. Flora e fauna. Problemas ambientais.
  • CIENCIA E TECNOLOXÍA: Instrucións de aparellos de uso cotián. Tecnoloxías da información e da comunicación.
Guia das persoas candidatas 2017-18

Thursday, March 29, 2018

2nd Intermediate - Internet addiction

Watch the video and say if these sentences are T/F

  1. Internet addiction affects specially single men and teens
  2. Internet addiction is comparable to drug addiction
  3. A couple forgot to change their baby
  4. Internet dependence is considered a mental illness
  5. In 4 or 5 years we will know more about this addiction
  6. A family lived without digital gadgets for half a year
  7. A computer addiction treatment clinic was created
  8. Children should avoid playing videogames

Answers written in  white: 1T, 2T, 3F, 4F, 5T, 6T, 7F, 8F

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Tai Chi

What is Tai Chi?
What do you do in it?
What is it good for?
Who would you recommend this activity to?
Would you like to learn some Chinese words?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

St Patrick's day

Try the quiz
Listen to get more information. Try the T/F exercise

Monday, March 19, 2018

2nd Intermediate - Immigration

Watch the video and choose the correct answer

1. In 1986 the Statue of Liberty celebrated
  a. its 100 year anniversary
  b. its 200 year anniversary
  c. its 1000 year anniversary

2. He emigrated to the US because
  a. of economic reasons
  b. he had family there
  c. of a war

3. They immigrated as
  a. tourists
  b. refugees
  c. workers

4. Europeans used to arrive by
  a. boat
  b. plane
  c. both

5. Refugees used to arrive by
  a. boat
  b. plane
  c. both

6. His family spent … in refugee camps
  a. 2 years
  b. less than 2 years
  c. more than 2 years

7. He became interested in his family’s history
  a. when he was a child
  b. when he was at school
  c. when he was at university

8. Before leaving Laos his parents wrote his name
  a. on the sea shore
  b. on a river shore
  c. on a lake shore
Answers: 1a, 2c. 3b. 4a, 5b, 6c, 7c, 8b

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

2nd Intermediate - Environment: Volunteering

Watch a video about volunteering and choose the correct answer (up to minute 2.17).

1. The Green Team is based in the
  a. English capital
  b. Scottish capital
  c. Irish capital
2. It started in
  a. 1994
  b. 1995
  c. 1996
3. The organization works
  a. in the summer
  b. in the winter
  c. only some months
4. The projects are managed by
  a. stuff members
  b. young adults
  c. volunteers
5. They help
  a. conserve public places
  b. troubled young adults
  c. recover natural spaces
6. The team leader takes care of
  a. oganising specific tasks
  b. the participants’ wellbeing
  c. choosing the volunteers

Answers: 1b 2b 3c 4c 5a 6b

Leonardo di Caprio's 2014 UN Summit speech


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Environment and pollution

On this page you'll find reading comprehension exercises, lists of vocabulary, quizzes and conversation questions.

Our future

Take notes about these items:
Solar or wind energy
The weather
Sea levels
We should start by
We should stop
People will remember us

Intermediate - Carbon Footprint

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

  1. What's the ecological footprint? It's a mesurement of everything we consume and use It's the total impact on planet Earth.
  2. Who/What is responsible for most of the footprint? United Arab Emirates households
  3. What would happen if everyone in the planet consumed as much as we do? We would need 4.5 planets
  4. What natural disasters may be caused by our misuse of energy? Rise of sea levels, storms, heat waves and droughts
  5. What can we do to minimize our impact on the planet? Consume fewer imported products (choose sustainable ones), use public transport, reduce your waste
Select the text after the questions to see the answers.

2nd Intermediate - How wolves changed a river

A trophic cascade is an ecological phenomenon which starts at the top of the food chain and spreads to the bottom.

Watch the following video about how some wolves changed a river and answer the comprehension questions.

  1. When were wolves reintroduced? In 1995
  2. How long have the wolves been absent? For 70 years
  3. How did the deer react when the wolves were reintroduced? They changed their behaviour avoiding some places which began to regenerate
  4. What happened to some trees? Their height tripled
  5. Which animals appeared when more trees had grown? The birds started moving in
  6. Name three types of animals that live in the dams built by beavers: ducks, fish, reptiles, amphibians
  7. Why did the number of rabbits and mice rise? Because the wolves killed coyotes
  8. Name one of the reasons why the population of bears rose: there were more berries
  9. Why did rivers have more fixed courses? Because of the regeneration of the forests

Answers written in white; select the text above to see them.

Zoos - Are they good or bad?

Intermediate - Recycling process

How to reduce your carbon footprint

What's "Carbon footprint"?

Now watch the video and note down the 10 steps to reduce yours.

Step 1. Turn the thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter. Close doors and insulate windows
Step 2. Turn off and unplug electronics
Step 3. Change to compact fluorescent bulbs
Step 4. Do your laundry or run a dishwasher only with a full load
Step 5. Eat local and take a canvas tote
Step 6. Bring your own cup or mug when you buy coffee
Step 7. Cut back on bottled water, making and transporting them pollutes a lot
Step 8. Plant a tree, it produces green house gases
Step 9. Use your car less
Step 10. Car pool, use public transport, walk or bike

Answers: They are written in white. Select the text above to see them.

Now do some READING COMPREHENSION about the environment. You will find texts and questions (with the answers).

Monday, February 19, 2018

Another, other, others, the other/s

Complete the blanks below with another, other, others, the other/s
  1. I have seen 2001 an Space Odyssei. Can you tell me the title of _______ sci-fi film?
  2. I’ve only seen Episodes 4-6 of Star Wars, what are _________s like?
  3. I like Sherlock. Do you know _____________ British TV series?
  4. There are two important museums near Harrods. One is the Natural History museum. Do you know the name of ________?
  5. Apart from comedies what ____________ type of films do you like?
  6. Lion King is a popular musical, do you know ___________ popular musicals?
  7. Some people love action films, ____________ hate them. What kind are you?
  8. People don’t go to the theatre much for different reasons. One is the prices; ________ is…

Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018

Groundhog day!

  1. What animal do they compare the groundhog to? 
  2. Where does the legend come from? 
  3. Groundhog day was an excuse to ...
  4. What is great about it? 
  5. Who is in charge on this day?
  6. How old is Phil? 
  7. What do they think about the other groundhogs in the US?
  8. What happened after the film Groundhog Day was released? 
  9. What is Groundhog day all about? 
  10. Phil didn't see his shadow, what kind of spring will there be?