Saturday, January 19, 2013

That's English - Mod 6 - Traditions and Festivals

Watch this video about how to talk about festivals and celebrations
On this page you will find several activigties including vocabulary related to the topic.

Now, you can prepare a presention on a festival or celebration which is popular in your country. Send a recording to your teacher or include a comment with details on this blog.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Can beauty be a disadvantage? Watch this video and judge for yourself.

Now answer the following questions:
1. What did the woman do? Nothing, she didn't flirt or have an affair 
2. How long had she been working for the dentist? 10 years 
3. How old is she? 32 
4. Did she realize what was happening? She had no idea. She was surprised. 
5. Why did the dentist decide to fire her? Because his wife asked him after having found him texting his assistant 
6. What is her conclusion after what happened? Men can do whatever they want at work
7. Who decided the dentist was right? A group of male judges. The supreme court 

Answers written in white. Select the questions to see them.

Read the transcript here