Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Avanced - Prepared to travel?

Watch the video and choose the correct answer for the questions below:

1. Before you travel...
a) cancel your newspaper subscriptions
b) talk to your postman
c) take care of your mail

2. You need time before the trip to...
a) get new credit cards
b) make sure you have copies of your prescriptions
c) give your family yhour contact details

3. For international travel you will need to...
a) know the currency of the country
b) get new credit cards
c) get a new phone

4. For the documents needed you must...
a) find your contry's embassy
b) apply for a VISA
c) make sure what identification document you need

5. To drive in another country you must...
a) renew your driver's license
b) get a passport
c) check your insurance

Answers are written in white, select the text to see them: 1c, 2b, 3a, 4c, 5c