Wednesday, February 1, 2017

1. It is not necessary for you to wait any longer.
2. You are required to respect the national flag.
3. She was able to read when she was three.
4. I was able to solve the problem.
5. Perhaps she would come.
6. You are prohibited from entering my home.
7. You are allowed to go home.
8. She is able to speak English.
9. It is possible to blow glass.
10. It is not necessary for her to pay for that call.
11. It is possible that he will pass his exams
En España se les considera importantes
La mayoría de los españoles no sabe ingles
Me gustaría que vinieras
Mi salud no es la misma que cuando tenía 20 años
Tenemos un coche nuevo
No tengo tiempo
¿Cuántos hermanos tienes?
No tenía dinero
Hace años tenían una gran casa
En un par de años tendrán su negocio
Esta semana no tenemos que hacer deberes
Tenéis que hacer vuestras tareas del hogar
Cuando tenía 10 años, ya sabía nadar
Cuando tenga 100 años, ya no me preocuparé de nada
Si tuviera tiempo, iría contigo a casa de tus padres
Estarías menos estresado, si tuvieras menos trabajo
Si no estudiáis durante el curso, tendréis que estudiar en verano
Podréis venir, cuando acabéis vuestras tareas
Llegaremos a la estación en 3 minutos
Cuando lleguemos a casa, hablaremos
Llegaron a su destino
No llegarán a Roma hasta las 3
Answers written in white. Select below to see them:1. You need not wait any longer.
2. You must respect the national flag.
3. She could read when she was three.
4. I could solve the problem.
5. She might come.
6. You must not enter my home.
7. You may go home.
8. She can speak English.
9. Glass can be blown.
10. She need not pay for that call.
11: He may pass his exams
In Spain they are considered important
Most Spanish people can't speak English
I would like you to come
My health is not the same as when I was 20
We have/have got a new car
I haven’t got/don’t have time
How many siblings have you got/do you have?
I didn’t have any money
Some years ago they had a huge house
In a couple of years they’ll have their own business
This week we don’t have to do homework
You have to do your housework
When I was 10, I could already swim
When I’m 100, I will not worry about anything anymore
If I had time, I would go with you to your parents'
You’d be less stressed, if you had less work
If you don’t study during the year, you’ll have to study in the summer
You will be able to come, when you finish your tasks
We'll arrive at the station in 3 minutes
Wen we arrive home, we'll talk
The arrived at their destination
The won't arrive in Rome until 3