Thursday, November 11, 2010

Listening test for advanced students

Post all your answers together in one comment with your name and the initial of your surname.

EASY: Listen to the song Cry by Oceana and try to write the first stanza before the chorus. Listen twice stopping where necessary.

ADVANCED: Listen to the author of the book about the management of personal finances Wealth Mechanic and fill in the blanks in the following statements with a maximum of 3 words. Listen twice. The statements are not literal.

1. Debt affects tens of millions of _____________
2. In his book he tries to make people look _____________
3. In the late 1990s he _____________ and, as a result, had financial problems
4. His book also tackles _____________ issues
5. He writes for people who want to save on _____________
6. These people feel that they have to _____________
7. He wants them to understand why they are _____________ they are
8. The book teaches some _____________ that can be applied to any aspect of a person’s life
9. The book is about recovering the _____________we deserve

ADVANCED: Watch this video about fast food and say whether the following statements are true or false. Watch twice.

1. 60% of ­­all US adults are obese or overweight
2. Families used to eat out all the time
3. More people die due to obesity than to smoking
4. In 2002 a few Americans sued McDonalds
5. The lawsuit was on behalf of several 14 year olds
6. People are unaware of the dangers of fast food
7. The population of Spain is 46 million
8. You can find fast food in some hospitals
9. Eating only McDonalds for a month will make him become obese

DIFFICULT: Go to minute 24.30 of this radio program of the 5th of November and listen to the news bulletin. You will hear 7 pieces of news. Note down the general idea of each of them. Listen twice and write your answers. If you can’t get the 7 pieces, listen to it more times and write the rest of the answers separately indicating the number of times you listened to the extract to get the rest of the answers.