Monday, October 9, 2017

Past tenses

Listen to the story and answer the questions below:
What was Nelson and Catherine’s relationship? Catherine had been his student
Why hadn’t Nelson retired? Because he loved teaching and his students gave him something to look forward to every day
Why did Catherine call Nelson? She invited him to dinner
What did Nelson do before going to see Catherine? He looked for a present
What was Catherine’s reaction when she saw the present? She made a funny face
Why did she react like that? Because she had given the same present to him the previous semester
What did Nelson do when he realized his mistake? He apologised
What did Catherine say? She said that it was the thought that counted

Answers written in white. Select above to see them

What did her stepfather like having for dinner? Vegetables
Where did the vegetables come from? The stepfamily cultivated them
What did the girl like eating? She loved linguini
Why was she in the treehouse? She didn’t like her stepfamily
Why couldn’t she open the tin? She had forgotten the tin opener
How did she communicate with her mother? She wrote letters and let them fall down
What did she tell her mother? She explained why she had moved to the treehouse.  She said that she was ok and asked her not to send rescue
What did she see on TV? The news talked about her
What did her mother tell her? That they loved her
What did she make with the tins? She made a phone to speak to her mother
What was in the chest? She found decorations for her birthday party, a birthday card and a present
What did she do with the seeds? She planted them
How did she get down the tree? She made the pea plant grow with fertiliser and used it to go down
What did they have for dinner? They ate giant peas

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