Sunday, September 22, 2019

Intermediate - Recipe

Listen (don't watch) and complete this recipe.

Cream of Mushroom Soup

60g (1) butter
1 small onion
4 stalks of celery
1 leek
(2) 200g mushrooms
3 tablespoons of flour
340ml milk
460ml chicken stock
(3) Black pepper and salt

(4) Saucepan
Wooden spoon

  1. Add the butter and leave it to (5) melt
  2. Add the (6) diced onion, leek, celery and mushrooms and sweat them
  3. Add the flour and (7) mix it well
  4. Pour milk and the chicken stock and (8) stir the ingredients round
  5. (9) Season it well with salt and pepper
  6. Cook the soup for (10) 25 minutes
  7. (11) Blend until no bits remain
  8. (12) Taste the soup and if necessary season it again
Serve with (13) crusty bread to accompany

Answers: They are written in white. Select the text above and you'll see them in the blanks.


  1. Hi! I'm ready to improve my English. I need to do it indeed. So I'd like to do this exercise again but I'm afraid I have a problem because I can't find the file to listen the recipe...

  2. Sorry I forgot to upload the video. Here you are.
