Sunday, September 22, 2019

Intermediate - Food: pleasure or fuel

Watch the following video and fill in the gaps:

Thintuition practice # 5. I regard food as fuel from Rob Stevens on Vimeo.

  1. You have to choose foods you like
  2. Pleasure is not the purpose of eating
  3. We eat to replenish the nutrients and calories our body needs
  4. Overeating is consuming food you don’t need
  5. The extra energy you consume becomes fat
  6. Advertisers tempt us to eat their food
  7. Food is not a solution to problems
  8. You may think eating something might make you feel better
  9. Food has never truly solved any problems for you

: The answers are written in white in the blanks. Select the text above to see them.

Leave a comment: What's food for you?

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