Monday, February 19, 2018

Another, other, others, the other/s

Complete the blanks below with another, other, others, the other/s
  1. I have seen 2001 an Space Odyssei. Can you tell me the title of _______ sci-fi film?
  2. I’ve only seen Episodes 4-6 of Star Wars, what are _________s like?
  3. I like Sherlock. Do you know _____________ British TV series?
  4. There are two important museums near Harrods. One is the Natural History museum. Do you know the name of ________?
  5. Apart from comedies what ____________ type of films do you like?
  6. Lion King is a popular musical, do you know ___________ popular musicals?
  7. Some people love action films, ____________ hate them. What kind are you?
  8. People don’t go to the theatre much for different reasons. One is the prices; ________ is…

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