Monday, March 19, 2018

2nd Intermediate - Immigration

Watch the video and choose the correct answer

1. In 1986 the Statue of Liberty celebrated
  a. its 100 year anniversary
  b. its 200 year anniversary
  c. its 1000 year anniversary

2. He emigrated to the US because
  a. of economic reasons
  b. he had family there
  c. of a war

3. They immigrated as
  a. tourists
  b. refugees
  c. workers

4. Europeans used to arrive by
  a. boat
  b. plane
  c. both

5. Refugees used to arrive by
  a. boat
  b. plane
  c. both

6. His family spent … in refugee camps
  a. 2 years
  b. less than 2 years
  c. more than 2 years

7. He became interested in his family’s history
  a. when he was a child
  b. when he was at school
  c. when he was at university

8. Before leaving Laos his parents wrote his name
  a. on the sea shore
  b. on a river shore
  c. on a lake shore
Answers: 1a, 2c. 3b. 4a, 5b, 6c, 7c, 8b

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