Thursday, March 12, 2020

Bill Gates's home

Watch this video of Bill Gates's house and answer the questions below.

1. Bill Gates's house design is
a-typical of the area
b-typical of the US
c-typical of warmer countries
2. The house includes innovations which
a-you can find in many houses now
b-you will find in houses in the future
c-you could find in houses in the future
3. The house is placed on a hill
a-to save energy
b-because of the views
c-to save energy and because of the views
4. The house is made of
a-recycled wood
b-recycled glass
c-recycled stone
5. On the west you can see
a-a river
b-a forest
c-some mountains
6. A special pin
a-controls the electronic services of the house
b-helps to locate a person in the house
c-is used to identify the tastes of its wearer
7. When someone calls
a-all the phones in the house ring
b-the house lets you know
c-only you hear the phone
8. The living space areas
a-are large
b-are modest
c-are medium-sized
9. There is a large video screen
a-in every room
b-in the library
c-in one of the pavilions

Answers written in white. Select the following text to see them: 1a, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8b, 9c

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